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Welcome to

The Kentucky Ready Mixed Concrete Association is a non-profit trade association representing the men and women of the ready mixed concrete industry in the great Commonwealth of Kentucky. Since 1960, KRMCA members and staff have worked tirelessly to improve the overall quality of concrete construction as well as educate Kentuckians about new and existing ways ready mixed concrete can help them build better and smarter.

Our members truly believe that concrete is the greatest building material in the world and that ready mixed concrete can contribute significantly toward sustainable and green construction designs.

If you are a part of the ready mixed concrete industry in Kentucky, you should be a member of the KRMCA to improve your company with the benefits the KRMCA offers through membership. Click here to join us.

If you are a casual observer of the site or are looking for information about ready mixed concrete products, welcome to our site and the wonderful world of concrete.

Download KRMCA’s 2014-2015 Membership Directory

Highlighted Programs

ACI Level I Classes
February 12, 2015- Full
March 17, 2015- Full
April 21, 2015
May 19, 2015

KRMCA Promotion Committee Meeting
May 5, 2015 KRMCA Office
Glenn Ochsenreiter Presentation
10 am

Day Spring Concrete Ball
Marriott Downtown Louisville
May 16, 2015
About Concrete Ball
Sponsorship Opportunities

KRMCA Spring Board Meeting
Day Spring, Louisville, KY
May 20, 2015

KRMCA Promotion Committee Meeting
KRMCA Office
June 23, 2015

KRMCA Summer Board Meeting
Dale Hollow State Resort Park
July 15-19, 2015

KRMCA Promotion Committee Meeting
KRMCA Office
October 8, 2015

KRMCA Fall Board Meeting
Edgewater Beach Resort
Naples, FL
November 4-8, 2015

KRMCA 2015 Gold Club
KRMCA Newsletter Ad Form